Data model

This extension is based upon the new framework of extbase / fluid included in TYPO3 4.7 (and later) The following graphic shows the extension model

Extension model

The ER model of the extension


Except the objecttype Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser which is build into extbase all further objects are stored in their own tables:

Property Title
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Ratingobject Root entity holds rating objects
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf Storing the step configuration
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepname Language aware names of the steps
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Rating Concrete instances of ratingobects
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Vote User votes of the rating
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Voter Proxy entity to frontend users


Holds the basic information on anything you´d like to rate

  • ratetable: the name of the table you like to rate
  • ratefield: the fieldname within the table you like to rate (distiguishing fields makes it possible to configure multiple ratings on the same tables)
  • stepconfs: Each ratingobject must have ratingsteps configured (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf)
  • ratings: To do ratings on each row of a table this link is required (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Rating)


Holds all information how to rate an object

  • ratingobject: Hold the connecting information to the parent object (Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Ratingobject)
  • steporder: ongoing sequence counting the number of ratingsteps
  • stepweight: every step could have a different weight configured (eg. 3 steps having the second weighted double). Normal value would be 1 on every step.
  • Stepname: links to the localized stepname if entered (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepname)
  • Votes: Every vote given by a frontend user is connected to its ratingstep (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Vote)


Holds localized speaking texts for stepconf entries

  • stepname: speaking text to set a name on every step. This would be displayed in different cases.
  • Stepconf: Hold the connecting information to the parent object (Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf)


Holds information of every rated row of an object

  • ratingobject: Hold the connecting information to the parent object (Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Ratingobject)
  • ratedobjectuid: hold the identifier of the rated row
  • votes: Every vote given by a frontend user is connected to its rating (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Vote)
  • currentrates: calculated rating statistic summaries for performance reasons


Holds information of every vote given by frontend users

  • vote: Each vote is linked to a ratingsteps (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf)
  • ratings: Each vote is linked to a rating (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Rating)
  • voter: Each vote is linked to a valid frontend user (see Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser)
  • hasRated(): checks if the FE-User has already rated
  • hasAnonymousVote: checks if anonymous rating has already been done
  • isAnonymous(): checks if this is an anonymous vote


Wrapper object for default Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser